NDIS Review Home and Living - Where To From Here?
by Aaron Cotton - Jun 04 , 2024

NDIS Review Highlights & Housing Challenges

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to provide choice and control to people with disabilities, but recent findings in the “Working Together to Deliver the NDIS – NDIS Review” report highlight several areas needing improvement, especially regarding housing and living supports. This blog post explores these findings and demonstrates how Marco Polo is addressing these issues to empower NDIS participants effectively.

Key Challenges Identified in the NDIS Review

  1. Lack of Fair and Consistent Funding
    • The review found that housing and living funding decisions are often inconsistent and inequitable. Participants with similar needs can receive vastly different levels of funding, leading to limited choice in where and how they live .
  2. Limited Diversity and Innovation in Housing Options
    • There is a critical shortage of affordable and accessible housing. The review calls for a more diverse and innovative range of housing options to better meet participants’ needs and preferences .
  3. Transparency and Data Collection
    • The review emphasizes the need for better data collection and transparency to inform housing and living support decisions. This includes detailed analysis and dissemination of information to improve market functioning and participant outcomes .
  4. Emphasis on Independent Living
    • Participants should have greater flexibility in using their funding to promote independent living. This shift from group home settings to individual choice is seen as crucial for enhancing participants’ quality of life and social inclusion .

Marco Polo’s Solutions to NDIS Challenges

Marco Polo is revolutionizing the NDIS housing market by directly addressing the issues highlighted in the review. Here’s how:

  1. Promoting Diversity and Innovation in Housing Options
    • Innovative Matching Technology: Marco Polo’s app facilitates diverse and innovative housing solutions by allowing participants to choose their housemates and providers based on detailed preferences and needs. This approach directly supports the review’s call for a more varied housing market .
    • Support for Independent Living: The platform empowers participants to live independently by providing access to a range of housing options tailored to their specific requirements. This flexibility promotes greater autonomy and better living conditions .
  2. Improving Transparency and Data Collection
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Marco Polo collects and utilizes data to improve matching processes and outcomes. This data-driven approach enhances transparency and helps participants make informed decisions about their living arrangements .
    • Continuous Feedback Mechanism: The app includes a feedback system where participants can share their experiences, contributing to a more robust evidence base for improving housing supports .
  3. Emphasis on Independent Living
    • Flexible Funding Usage: Marco Polo’s platform allows participants to use their funding flexibly, promoting independent living and ensuring they are not forced into unsuitable living arrangements. This supports the review’s recommendation to enhance participants’ ability to choose their living situations .


The NDIS Review has highlighted critical areas that need improvement to fulfil the promise of choice and control for participants. Marco Polo is at the forefront of addressing these challenges with innovative solutions that empower participants, support smaller providers, and ensure consistent quality and sustainability. By aligning with the review’s action points, Marco Polo demonstrates its commitment to improving the NDIS experience for everyone involved.

To learn more about how Marco Polo is transforming the NDIS housing market, visit Marco Polo. Let’s work together to create a better future for all NDIS participants.

To see the final report visit NDIS Review final report

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